August Holidays & Observances 2024: Leading Summer DEI Success in the Workplace

Friends running through the trees

The hot days of Summer are certainly here, but as we focus on August holidays and observances, we may notice a shift in the air. August often feels like a transitional month — kids are enjoying the remainder of summer, and email inboxes are filled with colleague’s OOO (out-of-office) memos.  As the heat of July fades, take time to embrace the tail end of summer’s warmth while preparing for the cooler, more introspective days of autumn. In this period of transition, it’s important to center others in our thoughts and actions. As we shift our focus from the bustling energy of summer to the quieter rhythms of the return-to-school and office season, take the time to be mindful of how reconnecting with the communities around us can make a significant difference. Whether it’s through simple acts of kindness, active listening, or offering support, our engagement with others can help foster a sense of connection and community. By prioritizing these interactions, we not only enhance our own experience of this seasonal change but also contribute positively to the well-being of those around us.

List of August Observances

Be Kind to Humankind Week

Celebrated from August 25th-31st, this global observance is a time for people to reflect on how to make this world a better place for all people. Amid today's challenges, it is imperative that everyone finds time to be intentionally kind to themselves and others. We can set new societal standards that protect and uplift communities who are unfairly targeted.

The workplace especially is a great place to practice Be Kind to Humankind Week. Browse through the resources listed below for tips and tricks on how to establish new kindness routines and practices into your workplace team:

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

August 9th has been declared by the United Nations in order to celebrate and protect the culture and contributions of indigenous people from around the world. The observance is also an essential opportunity to raise awareness and create solutions for the barriers and challenges these communities face every day. 

Indigenous people experience tremendous amounts of marginalization and discrimination. It's vital that we honor native voices and prevent these communities from being excluded or erased in our societies. Looking for ways to spread awareness and celebrate the observance with your workplace? We've got you covered! Here's a free email template resource for you to adapt and share with your colleagues and work teams this International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

Consider booking our Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times Lunch and Learn as an educational session built to complement this observance in your workplace.

World Senior Citizens Day

world senior citizens day

Group of senior citizens holding hands

Please join us on August 21st as we honor and uplift older persons in our community and raise awareness for their health, social, and other unique needs. Today is also an opportunity to recognize the contributions older people have made to society and express gratitude for their wisdom and life experiences. For more on the significance of the holiday, read this article on World Senior Citizens Day.

Don't miss our free email template for World Senior Citizens Day, showcasing the contributions, challenges, and perspectives of older professionals in the workplace.

For workplace leaders aiming to foster inclusivity, explore our Lunch & Learn topics designed to create a more inclusive environment for employees of all age groups:

Women's Equality Day

This August 26th, do more to celebrate, uplift, and learn about women from all communities! 

Celebrated in the US, Women's Equality Day was officially recognized by Congress in 1971 - since then, women across the country and the world have connected and come together to support those left behind in the conversation of human rights. Black, Indigenous, women of color and many cultural/heritage backgrounds, and LGTBQIA+ women, specifically face unique, layered, and intersectional challenges and experiences in society.  

Looking for ways to spread awareness and celebrate the observance with your workplace? Here's a free email template resource on Women's Equality Day for you to adapt and share with your colleagues and work teams! 

Explore and share the following resources, including Lunch & Learns, to celebrate Women's Equality Day and promote future equality in your workplace:


Lunch & Learns:

Searching for more ways to support your diverse workforce?

Summer is a tough time for your workforce with vacations, summer camps, and the dreaded Back to School stressors. Be sure to keep your employees engaged and connected during this time while also ensuring they have the support from you to have the autonomy to handle their work and life. Keeping the conversation focused on marginalized or misrepresented communities allows people to expand their worldview while growing as people and members of the world. 

The Rise Journey provides everything you need to celebrate and acknowledge August holidays and observances, as well as those beyond. With so many global celebrations and observances each month, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Luckily, The Rise Journey is here to cover all your DEIBA needs! 

Connect with our team or explore our Lunch & Learn programs to see how your workforce can engage with upcoming celebrations and significant observances.

Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter! Each month, receive reminders and insights about holidays and special events to ensure you don’t miss any important observance. We look forward to seeing you next month


September Holidays & Observances: Raising Awareness & Uniting for Change


July Holidays & Observances: Celebrating DEI Year-Round