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Recognizing Hidden Biases in the Workplace Toward LGBTQIA+ Employees

A young man looks sad while his coworkers are sitting happily together the couch.

Our minds are shaped directly by our upbringing and community surroundings. What you currently believe about certain people is formed because of what you’ve been taught at home, what you’ve learned in school, and what you’ve witnessed in your neighborhood. From these experiences, we’ve developed opinions on the lifestyles people live. 

When those experiences birth healthy and inclusive ideologies, they’ll likely transfer over to support a healthy and inclusive work environment. But when those ideas, beliefs, and opinions are negative and learn toward division, rather than inclusion it creates a problematic, biased workplace.

What is Hidden Bias?

Hidden bias (also called implicit or unconscious bias) is the automatic and subconscious attitudes and stereotypes we unknowingly have towards others. These biases in the workplace can affect how we see and interact with our colleagues and leaders. Hidden biases can play out in various different ways. 

When it comes to LGBTQ+ individuals, our personal biases can significantly impact the dynamics of the workplace. Biases such as assuming someone's sexual orientation based on stereotypes, making assumptions about gender identity, or favoring heterosexual relationships over same-sex relationships are quite common. These hidden biases can greatly affect workplace culture and diversity, highlighting the importance of addressing the issue and reducing its impact.

Understanding 4 Types of Attitudes When Addressing Hidden Biases at Work:

  1. The Inclusive Attitude: intentional about their inclusion practices

  2. The Inexperienced Attitude: with education can learn their biases are hurtful

  3. The Impertinent Attitude: knows their biases are hurtful but doesn’t care

  4. The Taciturn Attitude: has their biases but keeps them silent

No one person is inclusive to these characteristics. At any given moment, your attitude can change depending on what the bias is. For example, you may be okay with members of the LGBTQIA+ community, but have a strong bias against women of color. Another example can be found in gender expression. A person may be okay with the lesbian lifestyle, but have a strong disdain for masculine-presenting women. A person may say they love gay men, but dislike men who are more effeminate.

The Inclusive Attitude

Generally speaking, a person who believes in inclusiveness believes that everyone should be treated the same or they believe everyone’s lifestyle choice is their business, whether they believe in it or not. A person with an inclusive attitude is more inclined to do their own research to foster an understanding of one’s lifestyle. 

Example: This person would make a conscious effort not to mis-gender their colleague. 

How it plays out in the workplace: A colleague can establish trust with their co-worker when a conscious effort goes into using the right pronouns. It fosters a safe space for a person who may feel like they're constantly explaining or correcting their gender identity. A teachable moment is created each time a person with an inclusive attitude uses the appropriate pronouns with their colleague--especially when that colleague is not in the room. It shows that without hesitation, I am respecting my co-workers desire to be addressed in a way that they feel seen and understood.

The Inexperienced Attitude

Despite living in a very diverse world, there are people who will innocently ask questions or make statements because they lack reference points. They’re ignorant to certain lifestyles, and so they display a genuine interest in learning about things that may challenge their current biases. Adopting a learner’s mindset and self-education is crucial when acknowledging one's own lack of knowledge or experience. Before expecting others to educate you, it is important to recognize and accept that you identify as a person with an inexperienced attitude.

Example: This person may mis-gender a few times, and then ask questions to gain a better understanding of why their colleague feels the way they do. This person may bring up how they were raised, what they were taught, or a desire to fully grasp their colleagues' experience. 

How it plays out in the workplace: An open dialogue between both colleagues can spark an understanding for others who may have questions but are less inclined to ask for themselves. Showing a desire to learn more and grow is an important trait.  It builds connection, camaraderie, and ideally, safe spaces in the workplace.

The Impertinent Attitude

This person believes their biases to be true and they’re not interested in educating themselves. They’re usually very strong in their convictions based on lifestyle experiences or religious beliefs. For them, things are either black or white - no grey. A person with an inclusive or inexperienced attitude may have similar experiences or beliefs, but they’re more accepting of people’s individual choices. 

Example: This person may purposely mis-gender someone to show their disapproval for their lifestyle.

How it plays out in the workplace: This behavior is unhealthy and harmful to the workplace culture. It creates a hostile environment where bullying and discriminatory acts can occur. Oftentimes, these types of situations need the support of the Human Resources department.  Harassment and bullying is not acceptable in any workplace.

The Taciturn Attitude

This person has biases, but they keep them to themselves. Whether they’re 100% for something or 100% against it, you’ll never know. Their opinion belongs to them, and they’re not willing to engage others with their thoughts on how someone lives their lives.

Example: This person may mis-gender their colleague by accident. Although they will make a conscious effort to stop mis-gendering, they won’t necessarily follow up with questions the way the inexperienced person would.

How it plays out in the workplace: This can play out one of two ways. A person with a taciturn attitude could be viewed as disrespectful because they’re avoiding the depth in getting to know more about their colleague. Or they can be viewed as the person who quietly takes someone for who they are. Honestly, you’ll never really know because a taciturn personality is dedicated to their boundaries. 

Navigating Hidden Biases in the Workplace for LGBTQIA+ Community

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Navigating biases in the workplace can be heavy. It is a hindrance to productivity if colleagues are left feeling targeted or dissected. The practice of eliminating stereotypes and biases with the LGBTQIA+ community means making a conscious choice to see the individual that stands in front of you rather than highlighting their sexuality. Asking questions are okay, but know not everyone is in a space to educate you on their lifestyle. Recognizing the hidden biases in the workplace is the first step to getting rid of them. 

What you can do: Sensitivity training is a great tool that can create a safe space for questions to be asked and answered in an appropriate manner. Clarity around biases and stereotypes can be dispelled, fostering an understanding amongst work peers. What an employee chooses to do with the shared information is up for debate, but at the very least, a standard can be established that speaks up against discrimination. A person who hones an inclusive attitude can become an ally by taking time to educate their colleagues as situations arise. It is overwhelming for the person experiencing the biases to cope with these attitudes on their own.

Partner with The Rise Journey to Eliminate Hidden Biases in the Workplace

Take action now to promote awareness and address hidden biases in your workplace! Discover the value of our workshops, coaching programs and lunch & learn sessions, where you'll gain invaluable insights and effective strategies to foster a diverse and inclusive work culture. By actively participating in workplace training, you can help foster an inclusive environment that supports LGBTQIA+ employees. 

Connect with our team today to get started on this transformative journey.

All images courtesy of Queer in Tech.